Sunday, 14 February 2021




1- Habitat Changes: Ecological environment change, climate change and nutritional conditions change (ways of obtaining food and types of food)

2- Skeleton (bone structures) change initiated(triggered) by bipedalism

3- Knowledge: tool use, use and management of fire, language development


To explain evolution briefly; We can say that evolution means the formation of a new species. Biology explains the formation of a new species through anagenesis, cladogenesis and allopatric or sympatric ways. The main mechanism for the formation of a new species is the transformation of one species into another as a result of the pressure of changing living conditions. In general, we can explain the formation of all species in this way. Except for the human species ...

In summary, the mechanism is as follows: changing living conditions begin to exert a selection pressure on the population. The population responds adaptively to these pressures and begins to change in accordance with new living conditions. When these changes complete a certain quantitative accumulation, those that adapt well to these changes begin to be selected by the selection mechanism. These selected are individuals with a genetic predisposition to the new conditions. As a result, the genome of these individuals who already have genetic predisposition in the gene pool of the population becomes widespread, and when this dissemination completes a certain quantitative accumulation, that population turns into a new species.

As in all evolutionary processes and all living things, changes in living conditions cause geographical adaptations in the human species. The biological differences resulting from these adaptations can be mistakenly interpreted as human race.


6-7 million years ago, due to the formation of the Rift valley in east Africa, the great volcanic movements, earth crust ruptures, serious forest fires, the emergence of groundwater, long rift lakes formed in ground rifts, tree-dwelling primate could  only find food in shallow waters as a result of extraordinary living conditions. (Because lava and volcanic ash must be thought to burn and destroy food stocks in the terrestrial area. We can think of it as heavy snowfall. Heavy snow somewhat limits terrestrial food sources, but does not affect food supplies in lakes and rivers to that extent.) The tree-dwelling primate searched for food in shallow waters. He had to stand on both legs. Modern chimpanzees and other apes stand up as soon as they enter the water. In other words, extraordinary changes in the living space have led to bipedalism. This mechanism is the general speciation mechanism. The world of anthropology tries to make use of classical and general evolutionary mechanisms in order to understand and explain human evolution (human speciation). However, after being bipedal, changes in the skeletal (bone) structure that will last 7 million years began as a natural and physical result of bipedalism. This is what conventional anthropology does not realize, and therefore it is unable to develop a consensus model of human evolution. We can say that the main driving force of human evolution is the change in living conditions as it compels bipedalism. But the decisive motive force, that is, the power that drives man to become intelligent living, is the 7 million-year-long skeletal (bone) changes initiated by bipedalism, which is the result of the qualitative transformation of quantitative changes that lasted 7 million years, producing Homo sapiens. We can observe these changes in skeletal structures from hominid fossils spread over 7 million years. When we became bipedal 7 million years ago, starting from the big toe, kneecap, femoral head, pelvis, rib cage, fingers, skull volume and shape, post canine fossa (depression under our cheekbones) and finally the protrusion on the tip of our lower jaw (chin ), there have been successive changes that lasted 7 million years. The chin at the tip of lower jaw of Homo sapiens, which is found at Cebel Ihud in Morocco and is determined to be 300,000 years old, has not yet formed. This means that the skeletal (bone) structure changes that started 7 million years ago has not yet been completed 300,000 years ago. The main driving force of these skeletal changes is bipedalism, and it happens as required by the laws of nature.

If we briefly refer to these changes starting from the big toe, continuing with the sole of the foot and ending with the protrusion at the tip of our lower jaw (chin):

The big toe, which is necessary for tree life, is no longer necessary and has become adjacent and parallel with the other fingers as it will help in expanding the foot base area. Our foot base areas have expanded. Wide foot pads are necessary for the optimal locomotion of a bipedal creature. Widening and widespread in our knees ... Changing the angle of the femoral head, the pelvis taking the shape of the bowl pelvis, the cylindrical and narrowing of the rib cage, the flattening of the fingers and most importantly, the body upright… The factor that forces all these changes and the verticality of the body are to ensure that the center of gravity projection of the creature remains within the foot base areas.

All these skeletal (bone) structure changes are a mechanical part changes. However, body upright is the turning point in the formation of the human species and is not a mechanical part change but a behavioral change. And the way to human beings started by the body upright. When the body verticality reached a certain angle, the position of the embryo-fetus in the uterus was distorted, the embryo-fetus rolled over(flipped over) 180 degrees, the skull turned to the mother's diaphragm, and the skull of the embryo-fetus had to carry all the internal organs of the mother for 7 months. After the 7th month, since the head returns to the birth canal, this time, the body weight of the embryo-fetus is added to the burden to be carried by the skull, as well as the internal organs of the mother. This obligation to carry a heavy load has changed the shape of the skull to resemble an egg and forced the skull volume to grow. This argument can be tested by implanting a chimpanzee embryo into the woman uterus. Because today's woman has a vertical body and she has completed the journey of reaching the vertical body that humanoids took in 5 million years.

After this mental-flip over, which occurred 2 million years ago, sudden skull (brain) growth started and births began to turn the baby's face towards one leg of the mother. In other words, the baby, who was born facing his mother's stomach, started to be born facing one leg of the mother as a result of these changes in the skeletal structure and body uprightness. As can be seen from the fossil records of hominids, the protrusions on the skulls of the australopithecus robustus and australopithecus boisai, called the sagittal crest, should be thought to result from the difficulty of birth after mental-flip over, rupture of the pubic symphysis and the baby's skull squeezing there. German embryologist named Erich Blechschmidt proposes that the human skull shape is determined by the internal and external vectorial forces acting on the skull during formation in the womb. The reason for skull shape change and volume growth after mental overturning is that these internal and external vectorial forces acting on the skull have changed.


When the skull (brain) volume reached a certain level after the start of skull enlargement with the mental-flip over, this hominid began to use stone and stick as both a weapon and a tool to influence its prey and predator from afar. When he started to live on land with two legs and lost his ability to climb the tree, which is his best weapon to escape from his predators, he had to use stone and stick as a weapon and tool instead of organic biological weapons in order to continue his life and species. Meanwhile, brain growth continues. While he was using the stone in his hand as a weapon, the moment he started to use the sharp sides of the stone as cutting tools, he started to take the steps of a technological knowledge.


Mechanisms of Knowledge Accumulation

There is an individual who first tries to cut meat or tree branches with the pointed side of the stone in his hand, which he uses as a defense and attack weapon. There is an individual who first thought and tried to tie a stick in one hand to a stone in the other. There is an individual tying a shaped flint to the end of the long stick. We can bring thousands of these examples to the present day. For example; there was no telephone before person inventing the phone… no light bulb before person inventing the light bulb… these examples could be reproduced. In other words, after reaching a certain intelligence potential, people begin to accumulate information, when this knowledge accumulation completes a certain quantitative accumulation, it is synthesized, processed, associated, and emerged as a new information by undergoing qualitative transformation. We can easily say that there is an Einstein at the qualitative transformation point of all these quantitative knowledge. That's why we shouldn't be surprised why Göbeklitepe suddenly appeared. We must understand that it is the result of the quantitative accumulations behind it. We must think of someone (Einstein) who realized that a hard stone was carving and shaping a soft stone.

Management of fire and language are also natural results of this growth in the human brain.