Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Dear Mr. Kaynak,

Please join us at the upcoming Cell Symposium on Human Genomics where leading researchers will come together to investigate a variety of aspects related to human disease through genomic approaches, share their findings, and offer insights on future avenues for research and treatment. We will also highlight some of the technological breakthroughs that are pushing this field forward. 

This symposium will foster discussion not only of the findings that have already come from genomics but also of the discoveries that are now within our reach.

Session topics include:
  • Cancer genomics
  • Psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • RNA and disease
  • Embryonic development and transgenerational inheritance
Yours sincerely,

Huck Hui Ng, Executive Director, Genome Institute of Singapore, A*Star
Sabbi LallEditor, Cell Reports
Rhiannon MacraeEditor, Trends in Genetics
Steve MaoScientific Editor, Cell