Saturday 15th of September
Breakfast from 07:30
Session 1 (8:55 – 10:40)
9:00 “The Three Leaps in Human Evolution” Kaynak, O. Izmir, Turkey
9:20 “Pleistocene Period Human Migration in Western Anatolia” Eren,
E. Ankara University, Turkey
9:40 “New radiological techniques in the study of the origin and
adaptation of fossil and modern humans” Mednikova, M.
Institute of Archaeology RAS, Russia
10:00 – 10:40 General discussion
10:40 Coffee/tea break
Session 2 (11:10 – 13:00)
11:10 “Growth patterns of ancient Russian groups from rural and
urban area” Buzhilova, A. Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Russia
11:30 “Evaluation of Growth and Development in Havuzdere Medieval
Population Infant and Child Skeletons” Özdemir, A. Ankara
University, Turkey
11:50 “Growth processes in early Middle Age group from midmountain
area of Northern Caucasus, following the
anthropological materials of the Mamisondon series” Berezina,
N. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
12:10 – 13:00 General discussion
13:00 Lunch
Afternoon open for tours, networking with colleagues, beach.
19:30 Dinner
Sunday 16th of September
Breakfast from 07:30
Session 1 (8:55 – 10:40)
9:00 “Growth is target seeking, but who sets the target?” Bogin, B.
Loughborough University, UK
9:20 “Secular changes in anthropometric measurements of
schoolchildren in Ankara, Turkey (1950–2017)” Koca Özer, B.
Ankara University, Turkey
9:40 “Secular changes in body morphology of Moscow children during
the last decades” Godina, E. & Khomyakova, I. Lomonosov
Moscow State University, Russia
10:00 – 10:40 General discussion
10:40 Coffee/tea break
Session 2 (11:10 – 13:00)
11:10 “Indonesian findings on height and dementia risk” Hogervorst,
E. Loughborough University, UK
11:30 “Patterns of physical growth, and early old age weight, BMI,
body fat, grip strength and mortality in Guatemala”
Mansukoski, L. Loughborough University, UK
11:50 “Skeletal Sexing Standards of Human Remains in Turkey”
Gülhan, Ö. Ankara University, Turkey
12:10 – 13:00 General discussion
13:00 Lunch
Afternoon open for tours, networking with colleagues, beach.
19:30 Dinner